Totally awesome software for iPhone and OS X

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


As you can see I've moved the blog over here..  My previous blogging workflow was, well, insanity.   

I use the incredibly brilliant RapidWeaver to create and maintain the site and it has a really neat blog tool which can be set to publish in all kinds of sane and sensible ways. 

However... My site is running in a Java application server so every post required me to package up the entire site as a .war file and upload it to the server. This provided just about enough inertia to ensure that posts were kept to a minimum and were usually about product updates or something similar.

As you can see I've made some attempt to port my RapidWeaver theme (Sprout, if you're interested) to Blogger as well.  I'll continue to tinker with this and of course I'll continue to use RapidWeaver for the rest of the site because it's GRATE (did I mention that?)

Hopefully this will be a much more cromulent approach allowing me to fire off missives whenever I feel like it.  I'd like to hope that this will also see a change in the style of posts.  I plan to : 

1. Post much more frequently 

2. About much more random stuff including but not limited to; Indie Mac Software Development, Freelancing and Consulting, Living in France and pretty much anything that comes to mind.

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